Here’s a look into how leading global companies are leveraging Spoggle's advanced analytics solutions to overcome complex business challenges, optimize sales, and improve operational efficiency:
Hewlett-Packard (HP) is a global leader in technology solutions and services, known for its innovative hardware, software, and services.
24 Mantra
Sresta Natural Bio Products Limited (Sresta) is a pioneering organic food company that provides wholesome, nutritious, and sustainably sourced food products under the brand name 24 Mantra.
Lotte India
Lotte India Corporation Limited came into existence post the takeover of Parrys Confectionery from Murugappa Group in 2004. Lotte Confectionery, the parent company of Lotte India is part of the Korean conglomerate, Lotte Group.
Gujarat Cooperative Milk Marketing Federation Limited
Founded in 1946 to counter exploitative milk traders, Amul is now the world's largest milk cooperative, empowering 3.6 million dairy farmers with fair prices and sustainable livelihoods.
Godfrey Phillips
Godfrey Phillips India Limited, a flagship company of Modi Enterprises – KK Modi Group, is one of the largest FMCG companies in India.
Dr. Oetker
Established in 1891, Dr. Oetker is a prominent German multinational company and a leading food industry player in Europe.